Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My brain hurts from school, from work from just trying to cram a hundred hours of work into a 24 hour day....

What I learned today.....
- Alberta has no national debt, they have paid off what they owed and are in the clear, they do however have a rainy day fund called the Heritage fund which is used by the Albertan government to "lend" money to its two major cities when they have growth on the brain for infrastructure and such, they borrow from this fund like you would a bank and therefore are provincial run, owing nothing to the federal government, they got this money from skimming off the major revenue from our resources of oil and gas.Yes this is good for the people of Alberta but really does it promote Nationalism? I mean it is like fend for yourself out there the rest of Canada can end up in squaller but Alberta uses the money from what I see as Canadas resources and likes to live the high life.... okay okay so I don't know alllll the details but really if you were united as a nation wouldn't you give some of this somewhat free money to other areas that could use some help, last time I checked Halifax harbour is lacking in the cleanliness department.... and could use a boost.... alright, alright enough rant that is what I learned today.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so cute with your political rant. I can picture you face getting pink as you type furiously on your keyboard. Miss ya!